Friday, August 22, 2008


today i came to work with the intention to make the world a better place.
I feel i have succeeded just by my presents leaving the House .
As you can see here i have added my dear husband as i too have shaped his life.
As seen in the picture above i used to have faults, aka drinking, but due to well being and the fatc i have found my iner being i have detoxified my boady and soul from the demans of drinking!


Anonymous said...

You're killing me!!! Everyone's life is soo much better w/ you, you're like a shining star!!! I'm so glad you're not conceited.

Anonymous said...

I even got to pop your gay blog cherry... hehe

Unknown said...

I love the all the words that you fucked up the most! This is going to be so fun, please post every day!!!!!

Katy Jane said...

Abby, I hate to break it to you but there apears to be A LOT A LOT A Lot of simmilariries between this and
M* Sp**e! Your boobs look phenomenal in that picture. I agree with B, please post everyday.

Clint, Tanya, Dane and Kimber said...

I LOVE IT!!! Blogging IS so much cooler than myspace!!! Now that you are a blogger, I'm going to expect comments on my blog telling me that Dane is the cutest freaking thing you have ever seen... I'm not biased either!
I can't wait to see more pictures and posts! You make me laugh!

Unknown said...

Love it!! You definitely need to post everyday. I also love that you set this up while at work hahaha