Wednesday, May 26, 2010

More Randall Fun!

So we went to Succor creek last sunday. Tex, Randall, Bobbi,dogs and i. It was nice to get out and just have a laid back sunday! Well, all the way there Tex was picking on Randall, and everyone else for that matter. So we were driving back and look over and Randall has secured the seat belt around Tex's neck, without him knowing. So when Tex realizes this he freaks and the thing locks!And we can NOT get it loose, so we pull over twice, even shut the pickup off. NOT working! granted... there was a small problem that if we wouldve wrecked my husbands life was in danger...but im sorry it was still hilarious! Tex's bad knee and nuse around his neck! I was bawling, he was trying to convince us to let him cut it, so finally we drove across to town to Mitch's (Bobbis bro) and he whipped out an array of tools and had to take the entire case of fthe seat belt! And finally Tex was freed!

1 comment:

Gwenyd said...

I just sat and laughed my ass off (I wish I did) but anyway oh how funny I wish I could have been there. Poor litlle Tex!!